What Is The Role Of A Counselor?
Every TOKIHA counselor is passionate about both teaching and learning from others. Driven by their creativity and curiosity, our counselors design original workshops which form the core of TOKIHA’s camp curriculum. Most importantly, counselors embody the empathy to support the aspirations of each camper.
Counselors are college students from any institution
For several months in preparation, counselors communicate with individuals from diverse backgrounds, brainstorm workshops ideas, and work together to ultimately create an inspiring and memorable summer camp. Each counselor is responsible for designing, preparing, and facilitating workshops through small-group collaboration.
We define a workshop as a framework that supports campers in their personal growth. At the same time, counselors can showcase and share their passions with the campers through their original workshops.
While workshops are the core of TOKIHA, the camp experience goes far beyond them. Camp as a whole is a continuous dialogue focused on self-actualization for both campers and counselors. Every counselors’s role is to initiate, guide, and ultimately empower each camper in their journey towards personal identity.
Recruiting and Admissions [Summer 2025 Counselor Applications Now Closed]
January 2025
January 30, 2025, Time TBD
Infosession @ Berkeley + Virtual Infosession
Please email tokiha.admissions@gmail.com for the link
February 9, 2025
Applications Close
Individual & Group Interviews Start
Preparation and Team Bonding [Specific Dates Shared With Accepted Counselors]
Late February 2025
Welcome Dinner
Late February 2025
Weekly Counselor Trainings Begin
May 2025
In-Person Simulation Days for Test Running Workshops
2025 Summer Camps and Events
August 1, 2025
All Counselors Meet @ Fukuoka, Japan
August 3-6, 2025
4-Day Camp @ Kitakyushu
August 8-10, 2025
3-Day Camp @ Chugoku Region
August 11, 2025
All Counselors Check Out
Do counselors have to be able to speak Japanese?
Absolutely not! All aspects of the program, including camp preparation and the camp itself, are conducted in English. We also have bilingual counselors on staff who can assist those who do not speak Japanese.
I will be unable to attend the info sessions. May I still apply to the program?
Yes, it is perfectly fine if you cannot attend the info sessions. You are still welcome to apply by the application deadline!
Do counselors have to have teaching credentials?
No. Counselors are undergraduate or graduate students from universities around the world. We have had counselors from a variety of majors, including Mathematics, Computer Science, Film, English, Biology, Sociology, Psychology, Environmental Science, Design, and more. However, it definitely does not hurt to be majoring or interested in Education or Teaching!
What expenses will I incur as a counselor?
TOKIHA covers accommodations for the entire program, meal costs during your stay at the campsites, and partial transportation costs during the program. In addition, TOKIHA will subsidize flight costs by at least ¥80,000 (or more, depending on the number of sponsorships we receive by the program date, which may increase the subsidy) upon the successful completion of the program. Counselors will need to book the flight independently and email us the receipt & itinerary before receiving the subsidy. Any food costs incurred outside of campsites and expenses from personal trips are the counselor's responsibility.
I am currently not enrolled in college. Can I still apply?
Absolutely! Whether you have recently graduated, are taking a semester off, or are not enrolled for any other reason, you are still eligible to apply. One important note is that we do require all counselors to attend meetings and dedicate sufficient time to preparation.
I have never been to Japan. What are some travel tips I should be aware?
First and foremost, you will need a passport. If you don’t have a passport, please be sure to apply for one as soon as possible. You will also be entering Japan with a visitor’s visa. Depending on your nationality, you may need to apply for a visa. While, we are happy to provide any assistance on the way, it is ultimately the counselor’s responsibility to ensure that this is completed on time. Additionally, keep in mind that Japan can be quite hot and humid during the summer. Overall, most of our past counselors found it easy to travel around Japan and had an enjoyable experience.
What do we look for in counselor applications?
We primarily look for strong collaboration skills. When designing workshops with peers, it is crucial that counselors are open-minded to constructive criticism and able to respectfully resolve disagreemensts. We also seek counselors who bring unique perspectives and passions to contribute to the creation of camp activities.
Where do our middle and high school campers come from?
TOKIHA is supported by various public and private institutions, including government bodies and boards of education. We collaborate with these organizations to advertise to schools across Japan.
I have conflicts with the dates. Can I skip the preparation period and/or camp dates?
We require that all counselors be present from the first day of the preparation to the final day after cleanup and review.
What does the application process consist of?
The TOKIHA application process consists of an initial application form, a 30-minute individual interview, an hour long group interview, and a 30-minute final interview with our president.